You know when your day is not starting out right.

Small little things are not going your way.

Someone says something to you that is not so great.

The car in front of you is slow.

The kids are running late.

The to do list is huge and you haven’t even brushed your teeth.

You trip on your way to the kitchen.

You spill milk on your freshly washed shirt.

You get the picture.

And everything else that follows for the rest of the day is just like that.

You ask yourself…don’t I have enough to worry about already?

baloon of life

You look up and say…

”Can’t I just have a break? Am I asking for a lot? I just want to get to work on time, with a clean shirt.”

But nothing changes…

You get in the car and you realize you left your keys inside the house.

You get to work and your boss looks at you funny.

You are running behind all day long.

I don’t blame you if you sob burning tears on your way back home.

But you are not crying about the spilled milk or your forgetting the keys or tripping over.

You are crying for all the losses you had, for all the heartbreaks.

So how did we go from running late to devastation?

It took me years to understand this myself.

I have had so many days like this.

I still do sometimes.

Until a few days ago.

I started to have one of those days I just described.

I was on my way to drop off the kids and I nearly bumped the car in front of me.

A few seconds later I nearly hit someone who was crossing the road.

So I dropped off the kids and stopped my car.

And I consciously paused my day.

I slowed everything down.

Interrupted the dialogue inside my head.

And looked around me and said:

“Ok let’s start this day over.”

I literally felt the pause.

The frantic feeling of being out of control was removed.

I changed the energy that was surrounding me.

Got back in control of the little things….that would end up being the big things.

And guess what?

It actually worked.

Its almost like you are surrounded by this cloud of energy that will take you down a certain path all day long unless you stop and exit the cloud.

The cloud operates automatically, it gets into gear in the morning and it drives you around all day.

All I am asking you to do is to stop whatever it is that you are doing and press pause if your day is not going as planned.

Shift everything.

Readjust your body.

Stretch your arms.

Above all have a look around you and realize that you are the one in charge of the wheel.

The cloud that is surrounding you can evaporate if you call it out.

But you do have to pause and resume back the controls. Let’s do this right now.

Pause. Breathe. Stretch. Move.

Say it out loud: Let’s start this day over!

Will you?

With life,


PS. I wanted to do something special for you to celebrate my book release in 30 days.

I have created a journey with 30 amazing people who have overcome so many losses and reentered life.

We will be releasing a video every day until my book release day.

The only place you can watch them is here on my You Tube channel.

Make sure you subscribe so they are sent to you. I can’t wait to release the first video of HOPE today.

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Christina Rasmussen is an author, speaker and social entrepreneur who believes that grief is an evolutionary experience required for launching a life of adventure and creative accomplishment.

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